Aspen Care has been great in the care of my father. The staff are compassionate and caring yet also professional, dependable and attentive to the needs of each person. I would highly recommend Aspen Care.
— Richard Jaffray (Owner & President of Cactus Club)

Happy Clients & Families


The people that have an opportunity to work & be with you are truly blessed. I feel fortunate to be one of those people! You’re doing great things!!

— Jo-anne - dec, 2016

I can’t thank you enough for helping me along the way. You are a wonderful caregiver.


Thanks so much for being in our lives and making such an important difference in mum’s life and our lives.

— CHIP - DEC, 2016

Shelley, I still can’t believe how lucky I am that I met you. You have made my recovery easier, you have helped me to make my recovery better, and a lot more fun. Thank-you for everything from the bottom of my heart.



Thank you so much for your care and companionship you and your team gave to my wife and me!! You made this final part of our journey as good as it could be.

— RON LINDER - NOV, 2016

Aspen Care’s level of professionalism, and kindness transpires in the work that they do. Even as a community partner, I can tell they are passionate and want to make a difference. Not only do they give exemplary care, they are advocates for their clients and willing to go beyond regular care standards.

— KYRA WESTON - May, 2020

Shelley, Not sure that you know how very helpful you were to them all. Our only regret is that we hadn’t found you earlier. You are an amazing woman and a beautiful soul. Through friends at Bishop Carroll I knew your brother Dwight. Your life’s work is a beautiful tribute to him and such a blessing for all you touch. He is beaming with pride I’m sure!


Shelley, Thank you so much for your considerate attitude. You are awesome!


“Aspen care defines the true meaning of home care with care and support. If a friend or family needed home care, I would 100% recommend Aspen Care.”
— Laiyla