Featured Partner of the Month: Banbury Crossroads School

Featured Partner of the Month: Banbury Crossroads School

This month we want to feature Banbury Crossroads School. Banbury is a private school located in the Currie Barracks in Calgary. The school offers a self-paced education from grades K-12 and offers a truly kind and nurturing environment.

Some of our clients at the Aspen House have the opportunity to attend kindergarten and grade 1 class from time to time. Here they can read to the children, interact with them, and assist them with lessons, arts, and crafts. For our clients, they benefit greatly from this opportunity. Overall, this interaction improves their life satisfaction, enhances their self-esteem, and increases their feelings of continued usefulness and connectedness in the community. We cannot stress how important it is for our clients to be a part of the community.

Banbury Crossroads School’s mission is to treasure children as respected individuals and meet their diverse needs within a safe, familial setting. They are passionately committed to incorporating innovative educational methods that foster intrinsic motivation, learning to mastery, self-responsibility and social competence. Their mission falls in line with ours at Aspen Care. Therefore, we are so grateful to them for allowing us to join in on classes and participate in their lessons.

Overall, Aspen Care is so grateful to our community partners for contributing to our mission and providing us with resources to help our clients with enhancing their quality of life.


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